Connection begins with you.

You were meant for transformative connection—connection between body, heart, mind; connection between responses, emotions, thoughts; connection in your community, with your loved ones; connection with the more-than-human world and the wild places. When you learn to respond to yourself with compassion, connection spontaneously arises.



You are the only one who can bring meaning to your life. Come listen to who you are, and find hope in who you are becoming.

My approach »

Yoga and Somatic Coaching

Your body is a powerful ally as you move toward greater creativity and freedom. Come listen to your body’s deep wisdom.

Befriending your body »

About Me

My own journey through poetry and yoga and birthing has led me here, where I’ve learned to listen to what is held close and what is hidden.

Where I come from »


Sarah Steinke, therapist & yoga teacher

Much is broken in our world, in our lives. And while there’s much to be grieved, brokenness isn’t all there is, and brokenness is never the end of the story.

Together, we’ll listen for what has been silenced, for what has been exiled. As we listen deeply, we begin to cultivate a voice of radical self acceptance, and we shift ways of relating that have caused disconnection and heartache.

This shift not only leads to greater wholeness but also reverberates through all our relationships. For it’s through connection that we live into the love and creativity that is our birthright.


You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.

— Maya Angelou